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Bettina Tietjen comes with Steven Gätjen as a partner in the “NDR Talk Show”. In GALA the duo gives their first interview.
In the war of July 2024 Steven Gätjen, 52, bereits in Bettina Tietjens, 64, “NDR Talk Show” zu Besuch. Jetzt with Gätjen, as moderator for Joko Winterscheidt, 45, and Klaas Heufer-Umlauf, 41, can no longer be permanently on Tietjen’s page.
Bettina Tietjen and Steven Gätjen in GALA-Conversation
GALA: Both will not be known until the summer. War that is robbed of the first Blick?
Tietjen: Oh yes! Nach Stevens Gastauftritt thought it was like this: It’s not that it’s not a problem, but it’s not even a problem. The entire team was completely inspired. The thing is, if you want to know something, that’s fine.
Gatjen: It’s a good thing that this is happening. The “NDR Talk Show” war created an institution in my childhood. Meine Mutter often had a problem as a journalist, before my father’s war as Arzt was impressed by a feierabendunterhaltung. If you have been a fan of Bettina for a year. It is incredibly fast, schlagfertig, eloquent.
Mrs. Tietjen, did Sie remember her, was Sie expected to see Steven as the first Mal in Fernsehen?
Tietjen: Yes: ‘Oh, that’s yes of the Sohn von der Heike!’ I have often grumbled when the press was hit and treated so sympathetically.
Make sure you spend more time on moderate moderation. Are your lamps not suitable for Sendung?
Tietjen: I’m not nervous, it’s new and relaxing at the stay.
Gatjen: I am also happy for your sending request. When live formats and talk shows no longer existed, passion was gone. Once you have power, things get exciting.
So shows they became both
Planning Is it a classic “good cop, bad cop” role division?
Tietjen: I am not a fan of such a roller festival. If all goes well, the man is talking and then he thinks: Oh well, I have a role to play.
Were you welcome to our guest list?
Tietjen:Barack Obama!
Gatjen: For my sparrows it is not the case that large quantities become larger. Bettina en ich sind da ein bisschen wie de Trüffelschweine: Wir versuchen, auch jemanden, der vaderleicht nach hin wieder and uninteresting wirkt, verbal so zu kitzeln, that is sich super natural, witzig, verletzlich Zegt. It can be so exciting with a Hollywood star.
Is it a challenge when you spend autumn in the studio woolling?
Tietjen: I am Moment Christian Lindner. (laughs)
Gatjen: If I have the time to use the Spa, if I have a political issue or a lifestyle, the detestation of man is there. Ansonsten ich really keinen Interview partner – ich liebe sogar die harten Nüsse. Denzel Washington has been given a bad impression because he has a good Laune hat.
Steven Gätjen will not be formed
Was können Sie voneinander lernen?
Tietjen: Aussehen! I have no need for styling and Klamotten at all. And that’s what Steven does both.
Gatjen: Ah Quatsch, if I now see the Sachen, the mirror will fall into the fallen Hand. If a producer is a producer who says, “So you can make a trap for the room.” If I’m fragmented, see that Thomas Gottschalk is a bit gesagt – and there is no doubt that he had fun for a year … Worin Bettina guarantees that it is: in singing. That is not possible at all.
Since Sie in Sachen Humor auf einer Wellenlänge?
Tietjen: I can bring lots of laughter. See a video of a puppy from Katze, and I don’t know more about it.
Gatjen: And if you have a Katze dog, it will be worth it if you rediscover it, nor besser zu pupsen! Aber ehrlich: Lachen ist das Genialste. Es gibt nichts Schöneres.
Bettina Tietjens and Steven Gätjens Lebensweisheiten
Was Hilft at Schlechter Laune?
Tietjen: My Mann, my Kinder and my Schwestern.
Gatjen: Bei mir auch: my family. Friend. Sport. And a Spruch von meiner Mutter: ‘If you tritt on the Schlips, guck ihn dir an, atme durch – and continue.’
If you are in a different area, will you continue?
Tietjen: It may well be that my children put their feet up and then act. Status symbol, career, everything is different. And: if you have a problem, you can go into the house – egal, was passionrt.
Gatjen: If the rat is the mirror: no one is perfect and there is nothing to worry about.
Originated in the year 2030: Wo sehen Sie sich?
Tietjen: Then we will be able to see them again. (laughs) My name is Ernst: I have a job so long, but my husband loves it. Gern auch, bis ich 90 bin.
Gatjen: Ich mag, was Denzel Washington mal said: ‘First you have to learn, then earn, and finally return.’ (etwa: First learn, then ernten, then zurückgeben, Anm. d. Ed.) Jetzt will first work with Bettina Früchte.
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